After having received many calls and enquiries regarding a residence, God has laid it upon my heart to pursue this course of leading. Consequently I am looking to house 20 Addicted in a residence that will take them away from their immediate environment and have them concentrate on the things of God, while allowing them to break free from the grip or stronghold that the addiction has upon them.

This takes a lot of prayer, finances and dedication upon all who are involved. Please pray for us and if God has laid it upon your heart to help support this ministry please feel free to make use of our banking details that has been provided. We do not only need a huge lump sum but also a monthly contribution to help with the ongoing ministry and needs that is part and partial of daily living and expenses.

 I will keep you updated as to my progress from time to time. At this juncture I have sent out a proposal to Msinsi Holdings, looking to secure a small piece of land that was previously used as an adventure camp and has been left in total devastation. Pray that God would move their hearts to look beyond as to how they can benefit financially from the plight of the addicted, to ‘How can we help’.

‘ Where there is no vision, the people perish but he that keepeth the law, happy is he’ Pro_29:18

Capitec Bank  Savings Account


Account number: 153 621 2995

Branch Code: 47 00 10

Kind Regards L.R.Minnaar

If you know of anyone who may just be interested in this form of support, feel free to copy & paste