"South Africa has the world's seventh highest number of prisoners - outranking countries with up to nearly five times our population. The World Prison Brief places South Africa's total of 166 267 prisoners after the United States (2,3-million inmates), China (1,6-million), Russia (888 014), Brazil (419 551), India (358 368) and Mexico (217 436).

The populations of the top six countries on the list range from 104-million in Mexico to 1,3-billion people in China - with a combined total of 3-billion people. South Africa has just 47,8-million citizens.

Gideon Morris, director of the Cape Town-based Judicial Inspectorate of Prisons, said: "Our rate of imprisonment is much higher than any other country in Africa, as well as one of the highest in the world. "We use the quick fix: throw them into prison."

The latest figures show that it costs R69 000 annually to house a prisoner. Sixty-eight percent of all sentenced prisoners are serving a sentence of five or more years. And inmates serving life sentences rose from 793 in 1999 to a current figure of 7 574.

extracted http://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/sa-prison-population-among-world-s-highest-1.398070#.VTf89iGqqko

I have introduced the Reformers Unanimous Program at New Hanover prisoners since the beginning of this year (2015). Since then, we have been  privileged in leading four to Christ. The Reformers Unanimous offers a method of recovery that is different to most others. we are Christ centered. It is Christ who makes a difference in your life. The bases to this program was discovered and founded upon the promises that was made in John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free". When you know Christ, it is Christ who make you free from the bondage of all repeated behaviour that is bad for you (in this instant it is reputed that 95% of all inmates who leave, will come back as repeated offenders.  In fact, RU boasts 100's upon 100's of testimonies where God has done a great and mighty work in the lives of those who have come to Him. At Reformers Unanimous Institutional Program you will discover a recovery without relapse.

If you know of someone who who may be struggling with an addiction, and or, has been incarcerated and is in need of support, or you are dealing with a family member who is struggling to sort their lives out, have them come to our Recovery program and let Christ make you free. If you want to know more, Please feel free to CONTACT me, alternatively follow THIS LINK